Amazing French Mahogany Corner Cabinet.
This Corner Cabinet is of Outstanding Quality.
The Corner Cabinet is of a Serpentine Form, Standing Upon Bracket Feet with Carved Detail to the L:ower Frieze.
The Lower Doors Being of a Panelled Form With Shaped Moldings.
The Upper Glazed Doors Having Shaped and Carved Moldings.
The Top of the Cabinet Having Shaped and Carved Decoration.
Note the Quality Ormolu Cast Escutcheons to the Top and Lower Doors.
The Corner Cabinet Will Break Down to Flat Pack (this was how it was made) and comes in approx 15 pieces.
Presented in good condition
Circa 1860
height 98" (249cm)
Width 58" (147.5cm)
Depth 38" (97cm)
Amazing French Mahogany Corner Cabinet
Ref. No. PP101-12
Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124
Amazing French Mahogany Corner Cabinet
Ref. No. PP101-12
Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124