Georgian Mahogany Low Boy.
This Low Boy is of a Simple Form.
Raised upon Tapered Legs and Having an Arrangement of 2 over 1 Mahogany Lined Drawers with Oval Plate Brass Handles
The Top of the Low Boy Having Cross Banding.
Presented in Good Condition.
Height 28" (71cm)
Width 30 1/2" (78cm)
Depth 18 1/2" (47cm)
Georgian Mahogany Low Boy
Ref. No. PP103-3
Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124
Georgian Mahogany Low Boy
Ref. No. PP103-3
Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124