Mahogany Sheraton Revival Glazed Bookcase.
This Bookcase Stands Upon a Plinth Base.
The Bookcase Features 2 Glazed Doors Which Open to Reveal 3 Adjustable Shelves.
The Top of the Bookcase Having Satinwood Crossbanding.
The Whole of the Bookcase Having Boxwood Line Inlays.
Presented in good condition.
Circa 1900
Height 43" (109cm)
Width 42" (107cm)
Depth 12" (30cm)
Mahogany Sheraton Revival Glazed Bookcase
Ref. No. PP103-1
Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124
Mahogany Sheraton Revival Glazed Bookcase
Ref. No. PP103-1
Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124