Walnut Pedestal Desk.
This Desk Stands Upon Cabriole Legs with Carved Ball and Claw Feet.
Having an Arrangement of 7 Mahogany Lined Drawers.
The Drawers Featuring Burr Walnut Timbers and Retain Their Decorative Brass Handles.
The Top of the Desk Having a Fitted Black Leather Writing Surface with Hand Applied Gilt and Blind Tooling.
The Top of the Desk also Features Burr Walnut Crossbanding.
Being of a Free Standing Form this Desk is Presented in Good Condition.
Comes in 3 Sections.

Circa 1920

Height 30" (76cm)
Width 60 1/2" (154cm)
Depth 36 1/2" (93cm)
Kneehole height 24" (61cm)
Kneehole width 25" (63cm)

Walnut Pedestal Desk


Ref. No. LP95-1

Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124

Email: phil@philiphuntantiques.co.uk

Walnut Pedestal Desk


Ref. No. LP95-1

Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124

Email: phil@philiphuntantiques.co.uk
