William IV Style Mahogany Writing Table.
Standing Upon Typical William IV Crisply Turned and Fluted Legs with Brass Castors.
Featuring 3 Working Mahogany Lined Drawers and 3 Faux Drawers to the Reverse with Brass Swan Handles.
The Top of The Writing Table Having a 3 Section Tobacco Brown Leather Writing Surface (replacement) with hand applied Gilt and Blind Tooling.
Presented in good condition.

Height 30" (76cm)
Width 62" (158cm)
Depth 41" (104cm)

Date of Manufacture: 1920

William IV Style Mahogany Writing Table


Ref. No. LP63-12

Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124

Email: phil@philiphuntantiques.co.uk

William IV Style Mahogany Writing Table

Out of stock


Ref. No. LP63-12

Call: 01603 629999
Mob: 07818 445302
Mob: 07771 966124

Email: phil@philiphuntantiques.co.uk
